Pillar + Pride - We Build
An on-going wellness, education and empowerment focused conversation with featured experts and influencers that relay information you can use!
Pillar + Pride - We Build
Umoja Debate Team: "Umoja Dreams" children's book
Pillar + Pride - Detroit
Season 2
Episode 12
The Umoja Debate team joins “Pillar + Pride: We Build” (the podcast) to discuss one of their latest achievements…… Their first children’s book!
“Umoja Dreams” is now available! The book calls upon the experience of a native Detroiter, Jerjuan Howard, and some of his biggest influences as he imagined making a positive change in his childhood neighborhood.
Get to know the author, illustrator and the publisher of “Umoja Dreams” through this brief conversation hosted at The Lab @ Pillar + Pride.
Grab your copy at UmojaDebateTeam.org or order through Amazon.com
#childrensbook #wellness #education #empowerment #books #Detroit #Uplift #umojadreams #umoja #umojadebateteam